
Scrie o compunere in engleza despre serialul tau sau film-ul preferat "Mie imi place Carmen Sandiedo " ma puteti ajuta va rog frumos?

Răspuns :

Carmen Sandiego is a Netflix animated action-adventure series with educational elements, based on the media franchise of the same name created by Broderbund. The series is produced by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt with WildBrain serving as the production company, and contains a "serialized look at Carmen’s backstory that is told from her perspective".[1] Serving as an origin story for the fictional thieving villain of the same name, it is the fourth Carmen Sandiego television show after the PBS game shows Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? and Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego?, and the Fox animated series Where on Earth is Carmen Sandiego?; it is also the first Carmen Sandiego show since the end of Earth in 1999. SPER CĂ TE-AM AJUTAT


Pai poți scrie: My favorite serial is Carmen Sandiedo, i like it beacuse it's cool. And the character of the movie is.....


Serialul meu preferat este Carmen Sandiedo, îmi place pentru ca e tare. Și caracterul filmului este......... Scrii acolo cine e caracterul filmului adică rolul principal