
Tradu in română :
 George went to warm himself in front of it. The young woman offered to make some tea and left the room. George had been standing there for a few minutes when he heard a voice behind him. ,, Good evening. I'm Mrs McDougall. My daughter told me we had a guest. Please, have a seat. Soon afterwards the daughter came in. After they had finished their tea, Mrs McDougall offered to show him to his room. 
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Răspuns :

George a mers sa se incalzeasca in fata lui. Femeia tanara s-a oferit sa faca niste ceai si a parasit camera. George a stat acolo pentru cateva minute cand a auzit o voce in spatele lui. "Buna seara. Eu sunt  doamna McDougall. Fiica mea mi-a spus ca avem un musafir. Te rog, aseaza-te. Dupa putin timp fiica a intrat. Dupa ce si-au terminat ceaiul, doamna McDougall s-a oferit sa-i arate camera.