va rogggggggggg urgenttttttttttttttt dau coroanaaaaa urgent

EX 1.zice că trebuie să înveți poemul.
EX 2.. text(sărim la 3)
EX 3. 1. F
2. T
3. F
4. T
5. NI
6. T
7. F
8. F
9. T
9. T
10. T
11. T
EX 4.
1. She is twelve years old
2. She lives in Washington
3. She lives with her parents
4. Her favourite month is December
5. Her favourite holiday is Christmas
6. She decorates by putting balls and lights on it
7. Her father hangs a wreath on the door
8. Her mother puts candles on the tree
9. Her elder sister along with her husband and her daughter, Mary
10. They have a great time together
EX 5. 1.Joana is 12 years old
2. She lives in Washington
3. She lives with her parents
4. They are very friendly
5. Her favourite month is December
6. Joana puts balls and lights on the tree
7. Her mother puts candles on the tree
8. Her elderly sister comes to them for Christmas
9. They have a roasted goose, boiled potatoes, different salads,a pudding,soft drinks and juices for Christmas.
10. They have a great time together