
Buna, daca poate sa ma ajute si pe mine va rog mult cu o compunere de 300-350 de cuvinte, iar cerinta este: Your local newspapper is running a series of articles on personal succes. The editor has asked readers to write in with articles describing a succes they have had and what the effect of the succes has been. You have decided to submit an article. Daca se poate cat mai repede si mna sa fie si corecta.

Răspuns :

Reporter : Why did you decide to take part in the wellness month?

I understand I have bad eating habits. Junk food will do me no good. I have also gained some weight. I feel I must do something about it.

Reporter : And you, Diana?

Diana: I eat too many unhealthy snacks and drinks. And I sleep very little. I should exercise and move more.

Reporter: What about you, Maxim?

Maxim: I spend too much time in front of my computer. I know this is not good. I would like to change something about my lifestyle.

Reporter: And you, Emilia?  

Emilia: I would like to change my eating habits. I can't do it alone. I hope this program and my friends will help me.

Reporter: It is great that you decided to be part of this programme. I see you are all ready to start. I am sure you will reach your goal. Good luck to all of you!