
Compunere 10 rânduri despre anotimpul preferat Și 6 fraze folosind viitorul ...va rog​

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Anotimpul meu preferat este iarna deoarece atunci va ninge și vor veni sărbătorile cum ar fii ajunul Crăciunului.

Ce mai îmi place iarna esta ca pot face multe activități de iarna de exemplu sa fac un înger de zăpadă sau sa ne batem cu bulgari dar putem face și un om de zăpadă.

De asta anotimpul meu preferat este iarna.


My favourite season is summer. I like summer because it is always sunny outside and because the day is longer. Me and my family often go to the beach and we enjoy ourselves very much. My favorite thing to eat in summer is ice-cream and fresh watermelon. My friends and I go to the park everyday and play in the sun. Next summer, I'm going on a vacation with my family in Turkey. I heard that the summers Turkey are very hot with very high temperatures, so the beach is always filled with a lot of people. This summer I sadly stayed at home because of the pandemic, but the fun me and my friends had compensated the whole trip.

1. She will be your tutor for this semester.

2. Today's children will be the future of technology.

3. I won't go to the theatre.

4. Will she be okay?

5. I am going to cook dinner tonight.

6. He is going to do his homework in the afternoon.

7. My mom is going to go to the butcher's shop.

8. We are going to go skiing in winter.

9. My mother will surely think you're lovely.

10. I will call you as soon as I arrive.

Mult succes! :)