
2. Traduceti in limba engleza: 1. Daca va ploua, strazile vor fi ude. 2. Daca ar ploua, strazile ar fi ude. 3. Daca ar fi plouat, strazile ar fi fost ude. 4. Vei prinde trenul daca vei lua un taxi. 5. Ai fi prins trenul daca ai fi luat un taxi. 6. Ai prinde trenul daca ai lua un taxi. 7. Te vei supara daca iti voi lua creionul? 8. Te-ai supara daca ti-as lua creionul? 9. Te-ai fi suparat daca ti-as fi luat creionul? 10. Ce vei face daca il vei intâlni pe John? 11. Ce-ai face daca l-ai intâlni pe John? 12. Ce-ai fi facut daca l-ai fi intâlnit pe John ​

Răspuns :


1.If it rains, the streets will be wet.

2.If it rained, the streets would be wet.

3.If it had rained, the streets would have been wet.

4.You'll catch the train if you take a taxi

5. You would have caught the train if you had taken a taxi.

6.You'd catch the train if you took a taxi.

7.Will you be upset if I take your pencil?

8.Would you mind if I took your pencil?

9.Would you be upset if I took your pencil?

10.What will you do if you meet John?

11.What would you do if you met John?

