
Fill in the text with the correct form of the verb to be (is, are, am) or to have (have, has): Hello! My name_George and IGeorge and 10. I10. I a pupil and I- a lot of books. I_ a tall and thin. Itall a pupil andI_ lot of books. I. and thin. I_ very smart. 1- brother, Tom, who- got a big brother, Tom, who-15, and a little sister, Maria, who_15, and a little sister, Maria, who _8. We8. We students at Sun Street School. We live in a small town. very smart. got a big Our schoolstudents at Sun Street School. We live in a small town. Our school big. My parents- great. My father -great. My father-a doctor and my mother- a doctor and my mother_a nurse. My father_a nurse. My fathera tall and good looking man. My mother _a tall and good looking man. My mothertall and pretty.​