

1) Ar fi primit recompensa dacă nu s-ar fi simțit vinovat de moartea lui.
2) De îndată ce se va sui pe cal îl va ataca.
3) Daca l-ar fi judecat cinstit ar fi câștigat procesul.
4) L-ar sfida dacă l-ar provoca la duel.
5) După ce va încerca de două ori se va avânta în lupta.
6) Dacă lupta ar fi continuat până sera ar fi cedat.
7)Dacă n-ar fi fost modest îmbrăcat nimeni nu l-ar fi recunoscut.
8) Târgoveața din Bath s-ar fi căsătorit a cincea oară dacă ar fi găsit un bărbat demn de atenție.
9) De îndată ce o va cere de nevastă va accepta.
10) S-ar îmbrăca elegant daca ar merge la bal.


Răspuns :


1) He would have received the reward if he had not felt guilty about his death.

2) As soon as he gets on the horse he will attack him.

3) If he had judged him honestly, he would have won the lawsuit.

4) It would defy him if he challenged him to a duel.

5) After trying twice he will win in the fight.

6) If the fight had continued until the greenhouse would have given way.

7) If he had not been modestly dressed, no one would have recognized him.

8) The lady of Bath would have married for the fifth time if she had found a man worthy of attention.

9) As soon as he asks her for a wife he will accept.

10) She would dress elegantly if she went to the ball.


1.He would recieve the reward if he wouldn't feel guilty of his death.

2.As soon as he will get on the horse he will attack him.

3.If she had judged him right he would win the lawsuit.

4.It would defy him if he challenged him to a duel.

5.After trying twice he will advance in the fight.

6.If the fight continued until the evening it would had given way.

7.If he wouldn't have dressed modestly,no one would recognize him.

8.The townswoman of Bath would get married the fifth time if she found a man worth of attention

9.As soon as he will propose to her,she will accept.

10.She would dress elegantly if she went to the ball.

Multă bafta ! :)