
Traduceți propozițiile … atenție la timpuri :
El de obicei poarta haine sport , el nu poarta costume .
Ce porți tu azi ?
El a băut o ceașca de cafea ieri dar el nu a mâncat nimic .
Ea spăla vasele când telefonul a sunat .
In timp ce el vorbea sora lui râdea .
Tocmai am văzut filmul acesta .
Ai scris vreodată un mail ?
Ea se plimba cu bicicleta de o ora .
Ana trimisese scrisoarea înainte ca eu sa ajung acasă .
El tocmai hrănise pisica când a auzit usa .
El va avea un examen săptămâna viitoare .
Pe vremea asta mâine voi face niște exerciții .
Pana mâine voi fi terminat lecția .

Răspuns :


He usually wears sports clothes, he does not wear suits.

What are you wearing today?

He drank a cup of coffee yesterday, but he didn't eat anything.

She washes the dishes when the phone rang.

While he was talking his sister laughed.

I just saw this movie.

Have you ever written an email?

She rode her bike for an hour.

Ana had sent the letter before I got home.

He had just fed the cat when he heard the door.

He will have an examen next week.

At this time tomorrow I will do some exercises.

I'll finish the lesson by tomorrow.

Sper te-am ajutat! :)