
Un eseu care să explice dacă sunteți de acord sau nu cu următoarea afirmație: Ar fi mai bine ca elevii să fie învățați acasă online, în loc să meargă la școală. Scrie-ți eseul (120-180 de cuvinte), in limba engleza

Răspuns :


My opinion is that is that both are good. It depends on every stundent. If they can pay attencion in online and they cand concentrate more this is the solution. But if they stay online tehy dont pay attention and they cheat on test they should go ti school. Some students have anxiety and its better for them to stay home. Anxiety is a big problem fost students these days and for this tyoe of student it could help or not. Each student should decide what is best for them. Now these days i think its better online for health. Anyways They go to school to learn not to be afraid of grades. Parents are a big problem too for stressing children. So The true question is : what is best for each student? not for all. Everybody is build diffrent.

Scuze daca am greseli si pt e scurt dar n am avut timp. Noroc