Răspuns :
A child arrives in the jungle from a village in India. It was found by a family of wolves. Mowgli is raised among animals. He liked in the jungle, he played with his wolf brothers, with the black panther Bagheera. he had to listen to the teachings of the jungle law from the brown bear Baloo.
One night his wolf mother told him that they had taken him from the paw of the tiger Shere Khan. He promised revenge and it is better for Mowgli to go to the village of the people there as a tiger. The task of taking Mowgli to the village belonged to the panther and the bear. On the way Mowgli is stolen by monkeys, who thought he had the secret of the red flower (fire). He is saved by Baloo and Baghera from the hands of the monkeys.
One day Mowgli meets the tiger and confronts him, after a fierce fight the boy wins.
After a while Mowgli decided to go into the human world.
Explicație pas cu pas:
Un copil ajunge in jungla dintr-un sat din India. Acesta a fost gasit de o familie de lupi. Mowgli este crescut printre animale. Ii placea in jungla, se juca cu fratii sai lupi, cu pantera neagra Bagheera. a trebuit sa asculte invataturile despre legea junglei de la ursul cafeniu Baloo.
Intr-o seara mama lui lupoaica ii spuse ca l-au luat din labele tigrului Shere Khan. Acesta a promis ca se va razbuna si este mai bine ca Mowgli sa mearga in satul oamenilor acolo fiind aparat de tigru. Sarcina de al duce pe Mowgli in sat era a panterei si a ursului. Pe drum Mowgli este furat de maimute, care credeau ca el detine secretul florii rosii (focului). Acesta este salvat de Baloo si Baghera din mainile maimutelor.
Intr-o zi Mowgli se intalni cu tigrul si il infrunta, dupa o lupta crancena baiatul castiga.
Dupa un timp Mowgli s-a hotarat sa se duca in lumea oamenilor.
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