Change the direct speeck into reported speech. Vă rog din suflet, cine poate, să mă ajute. Dau steluțe și tot ce trebuie

1. to help her carry this
2. asked me to come early
3. asked me to buy some milk
4. asked me to open the window
5. asked me if I can bring the book in this night
6. asked me if I can help her with the homework
7. asked me to bring her a cup of coffee
8. asked me to pass her some salt
9. asked me to lend her a pencil
10. asked me to tell her the time
11. to do my homework
12. told me to go to bed
13. told me to not be late
14. told me to not smoke
15. told me to tidy my room
16. told me to wait there
17. told me to not do that
18. told me to eat my dinner
19. told me to not make a mess