Va rog ajutatima imi trebuie urgent!!!!!

Hello Fabio,
I would love to visit the Alcatraz East Crime Museum,i've heard they have Ted Bundy's car there,there was said that he used it to escape most of his crimes and also held tools be stole there, and also i would love to visit the San Francisco Zoo since every country owns different types of animals,i would like sharing an apartment with more students because i wanna make more friends,i really haven't had time to make friends because of studying but also a host family would be cool too,nice cooked food,maybe the host family they have animals too,i love animals,i don't think we could have pets while living in an apartment with more people,some don't like pets or are alergic sadly.I really don't know wich one i prefer,i would rather you chose but if i were to chose,i think the apartments because i would love a sense of independency in a way,and what if the host family doesn't own pets,plus i do feel a bit embarassed around adults,even more that they are strangers,what if they have loud annoying kids,that would be stressing,there's also more chances of enjoying the apartment,maybe one of the guys has a hamster or something.Anyways i can't wait to meet you in San Francisco,good luck studying and stay safe untill i see you.And get a hamster!
See you soon,
(Aici pui numele tau)
Explicație:Sper ca este okay!Am scris ca vrei sa vizitezi un muzeu de crima si o gradina zoologica si restul nu cred ca e important,daca vrei sa sti mai mult din traducere iti pot traduce sau traduci tu pe google translate sau ceva.Mult Noroc!