
Va rog, e urgent!! Dau coroana!! Write a short story using the words "bucket, hose, creature, empathy, watering can, to waste".

Răspuns :


The Butterfly and the flowers(ăsta e titlul,daca iti cere,pune,daca nu,lasa asa)

One day my mother told me to water the flowers in our garden. I have chosen to water the plants with a watering can,because using a hose or a bucket would waste water. When I finished the work,I saw a little butterfly and my day became wonderful.



Fluturele si florile

Intr-o zi,mama mea m-a pus sa ud florile din gradina noastra. Am ales sa ud florile cu o stropitoare,pentru ca folosind un furtun sau o galeata ar irosi apă. Cand terminat treaba,am vazut un mic fluture si ziua mea a devenit frumoasa.