
Traduceti-mi si mie chestia asta in engleza, va rog :o3 
In drum spre scoala m-am intalnit cu doua colege de clasa care mi-au amintit de tema pe care am avut-o la romana iar cand am ajuns in clasa m-am apucat sa mi-o fac,chiar daca a durat mult timp , am luat o nota mare pe ea.

Răspuns :

On the way to school I met two classmates who reminded me of the theme I had in Romanian and when I arrived I got to class I do, even if it took a long time I got a great grade on it. sper sa te ajute .

On my way to school I met with 2 of my colleagues that reminded me of the homework which I had for Romanian and after I arrived in the classroom I began writting it and despite it taken a long time, I got a big grade on it. (traducere recomandata, sunt la facultatea de litere si o recomand. celelalte au mici greseli)