
o compunere despre o zi tipica la scoala in lb engleza va rog urgent daca se poate va rog​

Răspuns :


Engleza: I was at school on the first day, 5 new colleagues had come and they were still not used to us ... I met them they looked like nice children, there were 3 boys and 2 girls, I was the only girl with the two girls. we got to know them better, after 3 days we became good friends. In the end we asked for their phone number and since then we talk every day after hours

Română :Eram la scoala in prima zi,venise 5 colegi noi iar ei inca nu erau obișnuiți cu noi...am facut cunostinta cu ei pareau niște copii de treabă,erau 3 baieti si 2 fete,eu cum eram fata stateam doar cu cele doua fete noi ca sa le cunosc mai bine,dupa 3 zile am devenit prietene bune.Intr-un final le-am cerut numărul de telefon si de atunci vorbim in fiecare zi dupa ore


Sper ca te-am ajutat♡♡