
Good morning! My name is Amanda and
am ten years old. My favorite activity is
to do arts and crafts, I do this activity
approximately twice a week. I do arts and
crafts in my bedroom at my house. I like
doing this activity because it's relaxing
lecken de obichi
and I love creating pretty things. Usually,
I do arts and crafts with my friend Kate
and with my sister Mary. When I do this
activity, I feel good, relaxed and very

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Buna dimineata! Numele meu este Amanda si am 10 ani. Activitatea mea preferata este sa fac arta si mestesuguri. Fac aceasta activitate de aproximativ 2 ori pe saptamana. Fac arte si mestesuguri in dormitorul meu la casa mea. Imi place sa fac aceasta activitate deoarece este relaxanta iar mie imi place sa creez lucruri dragute. De obicei, fac arta si mestesuguri cu prietena mea Kate si cu sora mea Mary. Cand fac aceasta activitate, ma simt bine, relaxata si foarte fericita.