
ma poate ajuta cineva cu o reteta de clătite americane și o reteta de paste în engleză. le-as dori putin mai ample.
va rog fără seen!!
multumesc anticipat.

Răspuns :


clătite: făină de grâu. ouă lapte cacao esență (rom,vanilie) apă minerală zahăr


de paste nu știu

400 g flour
500 ml of milk
4 eggs
3 teaspoons grated baking powder
1/2 teaspoon grated baking soda
a peak salt
5 tablespoons sugar
vanilla sugar
6 tablespoons oil

We mix the flour with the baking powder, the baking soda and the sugar and then we sift the obtained mixture.
Separate the egg whites from the yolks. We mix the egg whites very well, and we mix the yolks (but not much, about 3 minutes) with a pinch of salt.
Mix the milk and oil and add it to the yolks.
Add the milk and yolk mixture over the flour, mix well and add the egg whites at the end, mixing from the bottom up carefully.
We get a denser dough, but with a fluffy consistency (like pandispan).
Heat a Teflon pan and grease it with a cube of butter and then wipe with a napkin all the butter in the pan. In this way, we will get pancakes with a uniform golden surface. If the butter remains in the pan, the surface will look like pancakes, that is, with brown spots. Grease the pan with butter only once, at the beginning, when we start frying pancakes.
In the center of the hot pan, add the dough with a spatula. After pouring it into the pan, we do not touch its surface in any case. It will stretch by itself as much as needed.
We fry them all this way.
Serve with maple syrup, honey, powdered sugar or chocolate sauce.

Carbonara pasta recipe
200 g spaghetti;
⦁ 150 g parmesan;
⦁ 200 g bacon;
⦁ 2 whole eggs;
⦁ 1 yolk;
⦁ salt and pepper.
In a large enough pot, boil the water and when it starts to boil, add the pasta. Let them boil for a few minutes until they become al dente, then rinse them under a stream of cold water and drain them using a larger strainer. In the meantime you can prepare the sauce. Cut the 200 g of bacon into thin strips and fry them in a pan in which you added 3 tablespoons of oil. Separately, in a bowl, beat the 2 whole eggs and the yolk, add the Parmesan cheese and mix everything well until the composition is perfectly homogenous. Add salt, pepper to taste and, finally, the hardened pieces of bacon. Using a wooden spoon mix well. Now the sauce is ready and you can add the already cooked pasta over it. In less than 20 minutes you have already prepared one of the most appreciated pasta recipes.