
Buna,cine ma poate ajuta cu traducerea acestui text in engleza? 
-Ce crezi despre fotbal?
-E un sport interesant,iar jucatorii trebuie sa fie alergatori buni.
-Ai dreptate,dar nu cred ca e cel mai interesant sport.
-Da.Pentru mine patinajul e sportul meu preferat.E delicat,e artistic,e o arta.
-Nu cred,dar fiecare are parerea lui.

Răspuns :

What do you think about football? It's an exciting sport, and players must be good runners. You're right, but I think it's the most exciting sport. Really? -Yes.For me skating is my sport delicate preferat.E's artistic, it's art. I do not think, but everyone has his opinion.
-What do you think about football?
-Its is an intersting sport, and the players must be really good runners.
-you're right, but i don't think that it is the most intersting sport.
-yes. for me ice-skating is my favourite sport! it is soft, artistical and it is an art.
- i don't believe so, but everyone is free to have an opinion