
On Day 3 we're going to St Michae
"The Young People's Holiday Company
Come with us to Cornwall this year
which is a beautiful castle on a rock,
Why go to Spain or Greece when you can spend
tour of the castle starts at 9 am so we're
a great holiday with us in sunny Cornwall in the
youth hostel at 8 am. The tour finishes at
west of England? We're organising a special trip for
Romanian students in August
. It starts on August coming back to the youth hostel for som
then the afternoon's free. Some of us are
13° and finishes on August 16 and we're visiting
beach in the afternoon to go sunbathing
all the interesting places.
On the last
On the first day the train
staying in St
leaves from London at 8:00
beautiful 1
and arrives in St Ives at
village. From
midday. Then a bus takes
of the 1900s ar
us from the railway station
to the St Ives Youth Hostel,
set up studios
which is near a beautiful
it still has lots
surfing beach.
On the second day we're
Ives art muse
going sightseeing. In the
part of the f
morning we're going to Land's End. It has a visitor London, and the rest of the day is free
centre and a small museum, open only from 10 to 11 In the evening we're going to
am. In the afternoon, we're going to Penzance. This Theatre. It's an open air theatre, rig
is a large town with a lot of shops and you can find We're seeing Othello by Shakespear
banks and post offices if you need them.
starts at 7:30 pm.
We're visiting
1 Read the text and answer the questions.
1 Where is Cornwall?
2 How long is the trip to Cornwall?
3 What is on St Michael's Mount?
4 What is the name of the museum similar to the one in London?​

Răspuns :


1. Cornwall is in England.

2. The trip to Cornwall is during until 16th August.

3. Nu ai scris tot textul cred, nu gasesc niciun St Michael's Mount.

4. Nu ai scris textul bine, nu se intelege aproape nimic si nu spune de niciun muzeu similar cu unul din londra, daca tot ceri ajutor macar scrie corect.