
Vă rog frumos,cine mă poate ajuta?..îmi trebuie până la ora 22:00..​

Vă Rog Frumoscine Mă Poate Ajutaîmi Trebuie Până La Ora 2200 class=

Răspuns :


It's summer in Wonderland, flamingo birds are dancing playfully around and the children are singing happily. People are busy with preparing for the annual tea party and each year, someone needs to bring a special gift to the Queen of Hearts.

This year is Jane's turn to bring a present and she thought about a statue made out of pink pearls. So, she hurries to go to the lake where mermaids live and it. Looking at her watch, she descovers that she only has 30 minutes until the party starts. She must hurry! While running like she was at a marathon, her heart was beating like crazy and the girl took the statue quickly and thanked the mermaids.

She knew she doesn't have much time left! Jane looked at her watch and started to run.

(sunt în jur de 120 de cuvinte fără fraza aia)