
Puteti sa ma ajutati cu exercitiile la engleza. Va rog am nevoie neaparat de ele rezolvate. Dau coroana.
Trebuie transformate propozitiile din directe in indirecte. ​

Puteti Sa Ma Ajutati Cu Exercitiile La Engleza Va Rog Am Nevoie Neaparat De Ele Rezolvate Dau Coroana Trebuie Transformate Propozitiile Din Directe In Indirecte class=

Răspuns :


he said that he likes this song

she asked me where is my sister

she said she don't speak Italian

he said that the film begins at sevan o'clock

she asked him where did he spend his money

he said he never meke mistakes

he wanted to know if she knows Robert

tim said that she works in an office

Jessica told me she is going to clean the room

jeff said that they like the song

ian and marvin remarked that they need new shoes

Kathy told us he can speak Spanish