
1. Imi este imposibil sa-i spun acest lucru.
2. As putea pleca mai repede de la ora?
3.Trebuie sa merg sa imi vizitez prietenul,este internat in spital.
4.Ar trebui sa respecti regulile.
5. Este interzis sa treci strada atunci cand semaforul indica rosu.
6.In timp ce eu invatam el canta la pian.
7. Acum citesc un roman.
8. Traiesc in Londra de 8 ani.
9. Mi-am spart ochelarii si nu mai pot sa vad.
10.Cand eu am intrat in casa parintii mei tocmai plecasera.

Răspuns :


Bună !

Traducerea în limba engleză:

1. It is impossible for me to tell him this.

2. Could I leave sooner ?

3. I have to go visit my friend, he is hospitalized.

4. You should follow the rules.

5. It is forbidden to cross the street when the traffic light indicates red.

6. While I was learning he played the piano.

7. Now , I'm reading a novel.

8.I have been living in London for 8(eight) years.

9.I broke my glasses and I can't see anymore.

10.When I entered the house my parents had just left.

Sper sa fie de ajutor !❤️
