Va rog sa ma ajutați foarte repede...... E tema pe mâine

1. he does, he is doing;
they don't wash, they aren't washing;
do we draw?, are we drawing?
i swim, i am swimming;
she doesn't cook, she isn't cooking.
2. 1). is reading;
2). grows;
3). are building;
4). drinks;
5). is running.
3. 1). is writing;
2). is having;
3). are singing;
4). always cooks;
5). do you usually do;
6). starts;
7). is writing, always write.
4. ce sa traducem?
5. 1). Usually, in summer I wear T-shirts and shorts/dresses.
2). In winter, the weather is bad. Either it rains or it snows and it is very cold.
3). Today, it is cold and it's raining(scrii it's raining daca ploua).
4). Aici descrii cum e casa ta, eu o sa iti fac o descriere a casei mele si o scrii pe a mea sau poti sa o descrii pe a ta cu google translate; My house is very big. I have a huge yard which is decorated with Christmas lights and two little Christmas trees. Inside, we have three rooms, one kitchen and a bathroom. My bedroom is pretty big, my parents' room is huge and our kitchen and bathroom are big, as well. We have a lot of space and we like to decorate and buy new things to fill the space.