
Completează propozițiile cu forma corectă a verbului modal HAVE TO (have to/has to/don't have to/doesn't have to) - 5p

1 I know that I ...........work hard for this exam. You ............tell me!

2 My sister is ill. She ...........stay in bed.

3 Your room is terrible! You..........tidy it up.

4 I can hear you very well. You ...............shout!

5 Mario's English is perfect. He .............study for the tests.  


Răspuns :


1. I know that i have to work hard for this exam.

You have to tell me!

2. My sister is ill. She has to stay in bed.

3. Your room is terrible! You have to tidy it up.

4. I can hear you very well. You don't have to shout!

5. Mario's English is perfect. He doesn't have to study for tests.


have to inseamna trebuie sa

has to tot inseamna trebuie sa

don't have/doesn't to inseamna nu trebuie sa