
Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Perfect or the Past Perfect Continuous Tense,the match the pictures to situations 1-6.

1. The pupils … (prepare) the project for days
when they finally finished it.
2. The gardener … (water) the garden since
morning, when I saw him last week; the
drought … (cause) deep cracks in the soil.
3. The barber … (try) to cut the man’s hair as
short as possible before he changed his mind
and decided that a shaved head would suit
him better.
4. We didn’t know how long the chef …
(decorate) the cake, but it looked amazing.
5. Thomas … (see) the dentist several times
before and cried every time, but yesterday he
was calm and relaxed.
6. Sophie was furious. She … (wait) at the
restaurant for two hours when her boyfriend
finally showed up.

Răspuns :



1. had been preparing

2. had been watering, had caused

3. had been trying

4. had been decorating

5. had seen

6. had been waiting



1. The pupils had been preparing the project for days  when they finally finished it.

Elevii pregătiseră proiectul de zile în șir când l-au terminat în sfârșit.

2. The gardener had been watering the garden since  morning, when I saw him last week; the  drought had caused deep cracks in the soil.

Grădinarul udase grădina de dimineață, când l-am văzut săptămâna trecută; seceta provocase crăpături adânci în sol.

3. The barber had been trying to cut the man’s hair as  short as possible before he changed his mind  and decided that a shaved head would suit  him better.

Frizerul încercase să tundă părul bărbatului cât de scurt posibil înainte ca acesta să se fi răzgândit și să decidă că i se potrivea mai bine să se radă complet.

4. We didn’t know how long the chef had been decorating the cake, but it looked amazing.

Nu știm cât timp îi luase bucătarului să decoreze tortul, însă arăta fantastic.

5. Thomas had seen the dentist several times  before and cried every time, but yesterday he  was calm and relaxed.

Thomas mai mersese înainte la dentist de câteva ori și a plâns de fiecare dată, dar ieri a fost calm și relaxat.

6. Sophie was furious. She had been waiting at the  restaurant for two hours when her boyfriend  finally showed up.

Sophie era furioasă. Ea așteptase la restaurant de două ore când prietenul ei a apărut în sfârșit.


Au fost introduse și traducerile în lipsa imaginilor 1 - 6. În acest fel, vor fi detectate mai ușor răspunsurile corecte.
