Complete the text below using words from the box in the correct form. Use each word once only. There are two extra words you do not need to use.

(1) books
(2) information
(3) product
(4) transport
(5) research
(6) climates
(7) progress
(8) experts
(9) health
Where does our food come from?
1) Nowadays you can buy tropical fruit like lychees and mangoes all over the world. Many recipe (1) books give useful (2) information on how to prepare and serve it. However, imported (3) product is much more expensive than locally grown food due to the high cost of air (4) transport. Now scientists are carrying out (5) research to see if they can genetically modify tropical fruit so that it can grow in cooler (6) climates. They have already made (7) progress towards achieving this. But some (8) experts think that genetically modified food could be dangerous to our (9) health.
Extra words that we do not need to use: