
Scrie o propoziție cu fiecare dintre cuvintele: bounce, walk, hurt, fall, stop, start, hit, throw, run, skip, hop, wacth, jump, swim, drop, hold, catch, climb, dance, play, ride, carry, move. Vă rog să mă ajutați!

Răspuns :

Seriously, if I bounce and I don't die, DNR all the way, man.

See, I walk like a lady.

A little appreciation wouldn't hurt anyone.

His blessing will fall upon all who believe.

Even if I stop nothing changes.

Because people will start looking into your survival rates.

Blackmailers hit familiar targets, wealthy people.

I will throw everyone behind bars.

They'd rather run than engage in firefight

It always happens when I skip breakfast

Five-minute hop into the future should do it.

We watch while planes drop bombs.

Enough time to program one last jump.

In fact, nearly all mammals can swim.

We drop everything and save our skins

Please get a hold of yourself.

Both cases are not catch people.

My mother could climb faster than that.

He invited me to the school dance

Finally both will play together with toys.

I heard about your midnight ride.

I carry mine with me all the time

Maybe those pictures did move by themselves.

Crede ma ca iei 10:DD