1. Put the verbs in brackets in the Present Tense Simple: John always... me good jokes. (to tell) I... two small cups of coffee every day. (to have) Water... at 0 degrees C. (to freeze) The hare... faster than the bear. (to run) I... with my parents. (live) Many people all over the world... English nowadays. (to speak) The plane... at 5 p.m. (to take off) Oranges... sweeter than lemons. (to taste) An earthquake... behind a lot of victims. (to leave) She always... her name in capitals. (to sign) Carl usually... a shower before breakfast. (to take) The sun... in the east. (to rise) Lisa never... without her cell phone. (to go out) My children often... chess in the evenings. (to play) They usually... their shopping at Lidl. (to do) Will occasionally... a thriller before going to sleep. (to listen to) Our kids frequently... something while playing. (to break)
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