
Fill in the gaps with the following words: discerns, build-
Ing, seek, to stimulate, breakdowns, Interaction, acceptable,
1. A strong self-concept is necessary for healthy
and satisfying ....
2. Effective listening occurs when the listener ...
and understands the sender's meaning,
3. They often simply assume that the other person
understands what they mean, even if they are
or unclear in their speech.
4. A person's inability to deal with anger frequently re-
sults in communication ....
5. Sometimes it takes one person's risk of self-disclo-
sure... goodwill in other people.
6. Expressing our emotions is important to ... good re-
lations with others.
7. They do not need to .... for a means of rebuttal to win
an argument
8. Fears and doubts that people have that they are not
totally ... to others impedes communication,​