Va rog.......La engleza

Scrisoare de informare:
Dear Mrs. and Mr. (aici scrie tu numele tău de familie),
I am Mrs. (aici scrie numele profesoarei tale), I am the English teacher of your daughter Manuela. This letter is meant to inform you of an important change on the English classes, for the next 2 months.
Given current situation at the country level, with increasing number of COVID-19 cases reported every day, all English classes will be held online, using Zoom free-of-charge application, all students will be able to attend the lectures, with no restrictions. Also, students will have access to very useful YouTube lectures, I am sure they will enjoy learning English this way.
Thank you very much, and stay healthy, and vigilant.
My best regards,
Mrs. (aici scrie din nou numele doamnei profesoară).
Green eyes.