
“… actually I received a very good education.” I travelled in my youth, then took to the stage, and finally became a reporter on an evening paper. One day, my editor wished to have a series of articles upon begging in London. I agreed to write them. I had to try begging myself in order to get the facts upon which to base my articles. When an actor, I learned all the secrets of making up. I decided to turn to account this experience for the new position.
So I painted my face, and made a scar across my face and a twist at one side of my lip. Then with a head of red hair, and a beggar’s dress, I took my station in the busiest part of the city as a match-seller, but really as a beggar. When I returned home in the evening I found, to my surprise, that I had received no less than twenty-six shillings and two pence.
But, as it often happened, I was up to the neck in debt then. I had not enough money to settle with my creditors at the moment. A sudden idea came to me; I asked my creditors to wait two weeks, and got a leave at my office. I spent the time in begging in the city. In ten days I had the money and pay the debt.
Well, you can imagine how hard it was for me to return to my work at two pounds a week, when I knew that I could earn as much in a day by painting my face, laying my cap on the ground, and sitting still. It was a long fight between my pride and the money, but the money won at last. So I sat day after day in the corner, filling my pockets with coins.
Soon I found that I had a considerable sum of money. I do not mean that any beggar in the streets of London could earn that much. As I grew richer, I bought a house in the country, and married. My wife knew simply that I had some business in the city…”

Answer the following questions:
a. What kind of jobs had the character had before?
b. Why did he become a beggar?
c. What did he choose in the end?

Răspuns :


a) The jobs he had were

1. a reporter

2.an actor

3. beggar's dress

4.painter(painting his face)

5.owned a business

b)He became a begger because he needed to beg in order to get the facts for his articles.

c)In the end he chose (nu stiu aici dar sper ca te am ajutat, nu sunt foarte sigura daca am dat raspunsuri corecte asa ca iti recomand sa iti mai intrebi colegii) scuze