
he/she is special to you. (1)
My best friend's name is John. I met John four years
ago on my first day of high school. I remember it was a
sunny September day and upon arriving in front of the
High school I found an excited crowd of students like me.
sweating after coming a long way, and lots of fancy cars
with elegant parents and superior-looking kids in
expensive clothes. And there he was, a tall kid, sitting
casually on a green bike. Everybody else was excited
everybody would throw in Jokes, trying to look cool and all
grown-up from the 8th grade. But he was waiting quietly,
naturally, all by himself, as if he didn't belong to the crowd
or to any crowd in the world. And the first thing I noticed
about him was that he was wearing the same T-shirt as !
was, wth the words "Go for her printed on it. I knew then
that we were going to become best friends.
Four years have gone by fast and I remember all the
concerts weve been to together, all our hiking trips and
the long summer vacation nights we would spend hanging
out with the others, talking until dawn, having a say about
anything. And everything seemed so interesting, so now
and fresh, so uncompromising. He was a kind of
unspoken leader of our gang. the one who would always
get the best muka but never look like a goek, who would
take every project seriously but in haald buck, cool
manner. When in the 10th grade a lot of our friends Varog, să-mi traduceți în Romana​

Răspuns :

Prietenul meu cel mai bun este John. L-am cunoscut pe John acum patru ani in prima zi de liceu. Imi amintesc ca era o zi insorita de septembrie si la sosirea in fata liceului am gasit o multime entuziasmata de elevi,ca mine. Transpirand dupa venirea unei zile lungi, o multime de masini extravagante cu parinti eleganti si copii in haine scumpe cu aspect superior. Si iata-l, un copil inalt, stand dezinvolt pe o bicicleta verde. Toti ceilalti erau entuziasmati,toata lumea arunca in glume, incercau sa arate grozav si maturizati din clasa a opta. Dar el astepta in liniste, firesc, de unul singur, de parca el nu ar fi apartinut multimii sau oricarei altei multimi din lume. Si primul lucru pe care l-am observat la el este acela ca purta acelasi tricou ca mine! Era cu cuvintele 'Go for her' imprimate pe el. Stiam atunci ca vom deveni cei mai buni prieteni. Patru ani au trecut repede si imi amintesc toate concertele la care am fost impreuna, toate drumetiile noastre si toate noptile lungi de vacanta de vara pe care le-am petrecut cu ceilalti , vorbind pana in zori,avand un cuvant de spus despre orice. Si totul parea atat de interesant,atat de ( nu stiu aici ) si proaspat, fara compromisuri. El era un fel de lider nerostit pentru gang-ul nostru. Cel care ar primi intotdeauna cel mai bun (nu stiu ce inseamna ), dar nu arata niciodata ca un ( din nou,nu stiu :)), cel care ar lua in serios fiecare proiect,dar ( ?? ) , intr-o maniera cool. Cand in clasa a zecea multi dintre prietenii nostri... ( mai urma ceva ? )