La 1, 2, 3 va rog:) dau coroana

1) b) 1413+1123
c) 2110-1100
(you need to swap them)
2) 2816+4829= 7645
2316-1847= 469
6825-2987= 3838
3) (1804+1216)+(2496+3784)= 9300
(1472+1482)+(2528+4518) =10000
(1999+1998+1997) + (1+2+3) = 6000
Explicație pas cu pas:
1) the main number is at the bottom
(numarul important se afla la inceput, jos)
2) I don't need to explain, you already figured out why
(nu trebuie sa explic, deja ti-ai dat seama)
3) we group it by the first or the last number, in some cases by the level of easiness
(noi grupam numerele dupa primul sau ultimul numar, in niste cazuri dupa nivelul de dificultate)