
I Circle the best answer to complete the definitions.
is a game played with a bat and a ball.
a. Football
b. Baseball
c. Basketball
2. A group of people who work or play together is a
a. team
b. band
c. company
is used to hit the ball in baseball,
a. A stick
b. A bat
C. A brunch
is a hard rubber disk used in ice hockey.
a. A tennis racket b. A ball
C. A puck
5. Spacemen wear
when they fly into space.
a. spacesuits
b. shirts
C. raincoats
6. I do ten
every morning.
b. boxing
c. press-ups
7. When you go to the swimming pool, you need a medical
a. karate
a. certificate
b. equipment
C. recipe ajutati​