
Buna seara dragi prieteni poate este cineva online nu ma pot clarifica cu asa probleme nu cunosc foarte bine engleza ajutati-ma cu fisele astea.Sau explicatimi cum trebuie sa le fac.Va rog mult.​

Buna Seara Dragi Prieteni Poate Este Cineva Online Nu Ma Pot Clarifica Cu Asa Probleme Nu Cunosc Foarte Bine Engleza Ajutatima Cu Fisele AsteaSau Explicatimi Cu class=

Răspuns :



positive : have talked, have spoken

               has talked, has spoken

negative : haven't talked, haven't spoken

                 hasn't talked, hasn't spoken

question : have...talked, have...spoken

                 has...talked, has...spoken

short answers yes : have


short answers no : haven't



ordinea e :

already = deja

ever = vreodata

for = pentru

just = doar

never = niciodata

recently = recent

seldom = rareori

since = de cand

yet = inca


James has grown up.

James has seen a ghost.

James has ridden a horse at a rodeo.

James has mowed his lawn.

James has given blood.

James has written several messages.

James has scored some points.

James has read silly notes.

James has flown in a balloon.

James has found a stray cat.

James has observed an eruption.

James has caught a fish.

James has fallen in love.

James has kissed a girl.

James has done his homework.
