Am nevoie si de o traducere daca se poate
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VA voi da coroana!❤
![Am Nevoie Si De O Traducere Daca Se Poate Va Rog Frumos RepedeVA Voi Da Coroana class=](
Most children in the UK go on the summer activity camp when they are in year five or six. There are lots of activities including making music, doing drama and teamwork challenges. There is an activity camp leader to keep them safe and encourage them to do difficult things. The children have a great time and they get home feeling exhausted but happy.
Multi copii in Regatul Unit merg in campul de activitati de vara cand au 5 say 6 ani. Sunt foarte multe activitati care includ muzica, facand drama si provocari in echipa. Mai este si un exista un lider al taberei de activitati ca s-ai tina in siguranta si s-ai incurajeze sa faca chestii dificile. Copii se distreaza foarte mult si cand se intorc acasa se simt obositi dar fericiti.