
Compuneti o poveste cu personaje inspirate din povestea Regelui Arthur în Engleza. Folositi cuvintele: ensure,reaveal,noblemen,anvil,iron,frowing,altend,opproach,inn,
weapon,beam,handel,effortssly,crown,throne,swearloyalty,therefore,rightfull,rube,advice daca cuvintele nu sunt scrise corect nu e vina mea,nu am înteles scrisul colegului meu. VA ROOOG RASPUNDETI E PENTRU MAINE!!!!! DAU COROANA SI MULTE PUNCTE DAU 25,VA ROOOOOOG MULT​

Răspuns :

Răspuns: Verifica tu pls \ daca sunt greseli

ensure, reveal, noblemen, anvil, iron,growing, attend, approach, inn,

weapon,beam,handle, effortlessly, crown, throne,swear loyalty, therefore, rightful, rube, advice

Those were some really difficult times. The disputes were getting more and more aggressive. To ensure the peace for the country and citizens something needed to be done immediately. But nobody wanted to take responsibility for that disastrous situation.

The people were getting anxious, and the soldiers morale was very low. The enemy army got their hands on much better weapons and they were considering invading the country. The iron provided by their Eastern ally was helping them create new guns effortlessly.

Therefore, everybody was terrified at the thought of being caught unprepared and wished for a savior.

The crown prince was young and nothing but trouble, taking reckless decisions, moreover he didn’t listen to the royal counselor advice. Many noblemen had already turned their back on him and had planned a coup d’etat. A more rightful man needed to take the prince’s place. As tension was growing inside the palace, it was best to carry this initiative forward with determination.

The noblemen met outside the palace, inside the most famous inn near the central square and set a proper date. It was a delicate matter to handle with precaution.

If the slightest mistake were to happen, the noblemen will be the ones trapped between the hammer and the anvil and they knew they could lose their heads for high treason. They hired an inside man, a former soldier. He had great skills in handling the sword but because of a mistake on the battlefield he lost his title and all his possessions were taken from him. He was just a poor rube, a tool that had no choice. He was constrained to do it.

 The prince was supposed to attend the banquet that night. Everything was in place. The guards bribed, the rube prepared to commit the deed. He followed the prince in the garden and watched his moves from behind a bush. It was his first encounter with a member of the royal family. A family that he swore loyalty to, 10 years ago. He checked the prince's face, white and delicate like the beam of the setting moon.