
Traduceti propozitiile in romana
PS: De la lectia Articolul nehotarat / THE /
1.Lumea este frumoasa dar oameni nu au grija de ea.
2.Oceanul Pacific de Sud se afla in partea sudica a Australiei
3.A primit de ziua lui un cadou.Cadoul a fost exact ce si-a dorit.
4.Steve este cel mai inteligent copil din clasa.

Răspuns :

1. The world is beautiful, but the people have not care of it.
2. South Pacific is in South Part of Australia.
3. She/He received a gift. The gift was exactly what she/he wanted.
4. Steve is the most intelligent kid in the class.
The world is beautiful, but people do not care for it.
South Pacific is in the southern part of Australia
He received his birthday gift. Gift was exactly what he wanted.
Steve is the smartest kid in class