
Vreau si eu sa traduc propozitiile in engleza .

Ei plecasera deja de acasa cand am trecut pe la ei .
Sarbatoreau de 3 ore, cand alarma de incediu s-a pornit .
Ei plantasera copacii inainte de inceputul lui iunie.
Imi cumparasem cartea inainte sa ne spuna profesorul de ea. 
De cat timp te uitai la televizor can a intrat fratele tau in camera?
-De cat timp asteptai autobuzul cand ne-am intalnit pe strada ?
- Cred ca il asteptam de aproape jumatate de ora .
Ei discutau despre contract de 10 minute cand  seful a intrat in sala si a anulat intalnirea. 
Niciodata nu mai fusesem in Londra inainte de acel an .

Răspuns :

They had already left home when I passed them. 
Holidays 3:00 when the fire alarm was set off. 
They planted trees before early June.
 I bought the book before we tell her teacher. 
How long were you watching on TV CAN your brother came in the room?
 -How long wait for the bus when we met on the street?
 - I think I was waiting for almost half an hour.
 They talked about the contract 10 minutes when the boss walked in and canceled the meeting.
 Never never been in London before that year.