
va rog imi faceti si mie o compunere in engleza + traducere
-trebuie o compunere de cel putin 15 randuri 
-sa fie povestita o intamplare din ce am facut in vacanta (poate fi si imaginar)
-sa fien in engelza
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Răspuns :

Summer holidays I spent with grandparents. There I had a great time. One day my grandmother sent me to go where the grass blooms! I was careless in the way we pulled buds and buds elsewhere uitinduma crossed the street alone at the time came to board a car and three freshmen. I was so scared I did not know what explanation to give grandparents. I-I thought that my grandmother would not notice that the twenty-seven freshmen have gone three. It's been three days and one day thought to count buds grandmother, disappeared when he noticed three got into running after me. I ran like the wind and she being invirsta not catch me. Then the mother thought to stop and tell the truth and not its thousand-I was sorry that he told the truth because she did not scold me! I will not forget any time petrcuto grandparents experience!                 Vacanta de vara mi-am petrecut-o la bunici.Acolo m-am distrat foarte bine.Intr-o zi bunica ma trimis sa duc bobocii unde este iarba!Eu fiind neatenta am scos bobocii in drum si uitinduma in alta parte bobocii au traversat singuri strada si in acel moment venise o masina si a calcat 3 boboci.Eu fiind foarte speriata nu stiam ce explicatie sa-i dau bunicii.Ma-m gindit ca bunica nu va observa ca din douazeci si sapte de boboci au disparut trei.Au trecut trei zile si intr-o buna zi bunica s-a gindit sa numere bobocii,cind a observat ca au disparut trei sa luat la fuga dupa mine.Eu alergam ca vintul iar ea fiind mai invirsta nu ma ajungea din urma.Atunci mam gindit sa ma opresc si sai spun adevarul si nu mia parut rau ca ia-m spus adevarul pentru ca ea nu ma certat!Nu voi uita nici o data experienta petrcuto la bunici!