
formulati programul zilei in limba engleza intr-o zi de scoala cu desteptarea la 7, baia mersul la scoala, venit de la scoala la ora 2 masa temele cina si baie, culcare. ceva de genu... va rog ajutati-ma...

Răspuns :

After a long night sleep I wake up at 7 am , I brush my teeth  , eat my breakfast . I need to have energy for school . I came home after 6 hours of school . After I come from school I do my homework , I relax just a bit and then my mom cooks dinner and asks me to join the rest of the family . After I eat a good meal I go to the bathroom and take a bath and then I go to sleep . 
 Cam atat scuze , nu stau prea bine cu timpurile , nu are decat prezent