
Cer ajutorul persoanelor care stiu foarte bine limba engleza.
Vreau o compunere de 5-10 randuri despre CUM MI-AM PETRECUT VACANTA.Va rog sa introduce-ti urmatoarele propozitii:Am fost la mare,unde m-am distrat de minune.
Cateva saptamani am stat la bunici...

Răspuns :

În this sumer I was ar the beach with my family and some friends.The water was hot and I have a lot of fun.I also was ar my granny's.Thereabouts I helped them and I was SO happy. That was my summer
It's Summer-time and me and my family Will go on vacation
At Disneyland in France. We are all exited and we cant wait
to see what Disneyland has to offer.
Once we were there we wad a problem finding Disneyland.
It took us 2 days and we had to sleep at a local hotel nearby. Fortunatly, we found our way to Disneyland and we had a great time.
After that, my Grandparents are weithing us to go ro the beach. We had fun and It was a wonderful adventure.